OSHA Releases Two New Temporary Worker Guidance Documents

Seyfarth Synopsis: OSHA has just updated its "Protecting Temporary Workers" website, for staffing agencies and their clients (i.e., host employers). The page reminds these employers that they are jointly responsible for a temporary employee's safety and health .

We have blogged previously about OSHA's enforcement activities and guidance documents relating to temporary workers: OSHA Releases Two More Temporary Worker Guidance Documents, New Guidance for 'Recommended Practices' to Protect Temporary Workers, OSHA Issues Memo to 'Remind' its Field Staff about Enforcement Policy on Temporary Workers, and OSHRC Reviews Employment Relationships.

OSHA has released a Temporary Workers' Rights Pamphlet (TWI Pamphlet) and a Temporary Worker Initiative pamphlet on "Safety and Health in Shipyard Employment." The TWI Pamphlet is a small handout card that reminds staffing agency employees that they "have the same rights as permanent workers." The second TWI pamphlet, on Safety and Health in Shipyard Employment, is a ten page summary of staffing employee safety law, rules, and policy for shipyard employers and workers.

Employer Takeaway

It is OSHA's view that staffing agencies and host employers are "jointly responsible" for temporary workers' safety and health. As...

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