Meeting With A New Hampshire Public Official? 5 Tips On How To Make The Most Of Your 30 Minutes

Published in the Concord Chamber of Commerce

You have a great idea, or your business needs the assistance of government to resolve a problem. You request an appointment to meet with a public official to state your case and try to enlist his or her support. Because New Hampshire officials are wonderfully accessible (don't take this for doesn't happen like this in most states), you are granted a 30 minute meeting.

Here are 5 tips to keep in mind to help make sure your meeting is a productive as it can be.

Don't wing it. You know your business better than anyone, and you're persuasive, so it's tempting to think you can walk in to a meeting and wing it. Resist the temptation, and plan ahead. The official you are meeting with may have many such meetings scheduled back to back dealing with a variety of other crises and priorities. To get the most out of your meeting, plan exactly what you want to say, and what you want to ask for, and present it in a way that is easy to follow and straightforward. Prepare a one page narrative to leave behind identifying the problem and possible solution.

Know your audience.Understand the political landscape before you meet and set your expectations accordingly. Research the official you are meeting with and know his or her areas of interest. Is what you are asking for consistent with the official's priorities, or does it run counter? How does helping you help further the official's own agenda? Who is likely to support your idea or request, and who is likely to oppose it? It is better to be frank and upfront about these issues, than to let the official discover after the meeting that other officials or key constituencies oppose what you are requesting.

Personalize your message. In the end, issues...

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