Cyberstalkers Beware: You're Not Anonymous

Originally published on CyberInquirer.

A quick google search will reveal thousands of hundreds of thousands of hits for the term cyberstalking. Indeed, as of today, there are over 900,000 posts where the word is used. Perhaps not surprisingly, many of the listings involve teen cyberbullying and child protection issues. There are also large numbers of celebrities who are cyberstalked or otherwise harassed. Beyond juveniles and celebrities, the most frequently stalked demographic are 18-32 year old females, a cohort to which some of our own bloggers (and co-publishers) belong. Curiously, reports indicate that more and more women are also the cyberstalkers, not just the victims. Anecdotal stories suggest many of these women are married but unhappy with their lives.

According to a federal government report, cyberstalking generally refers to the use of the Internet or other electronic communication to harass, threaten, or intimidate someone. It also can include attempts to gather information about the victim. Motivations can range from obsession for love to revenge and hate to ego and power trips.

Most problematic, the feds caution that such conduct could presage more harmful behavior, including physical violence. As a result, virtually every state has enacted laws that address cyberstalking, cyberbullying, or both. Texas recently enacted such a law. The greatest internet resource of all-time, Wikipedia, has...

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